
Enhance your smile with dental inlays & onlays.

How are inlays and onlays applied?

Typically, the process for inlays and onlays involves one or two appointments. In the initial visit, the dentist will remove any old fillings or damaged portions of the tooth and prepare it for the inlay or onlay. An impression of the tooth will be taken and sent to a lab for creation. A temporary sealant will be applied, and a follow-up appointment will be scheduled.

During the second appointment, the dentist will remove the temporary sealant and ensure that the inlay or onlay fits properly. If it meets the necessary requirements, the dentist will bond the inlay or onlay to the tooth using a strong resin and then polish it for a smooth appearance.

Discover the advantages of tooth-colored fillings for your dental needs

In contrast to traditional fillings, inlays and onlays provide a superior option for maintaining the strength of natural teeth. Through the use of robust resins, they can be securely bonded to the tooth, resulting in a potential increase in strength of up to 75 percent. This enhanced durability ensures their longevity, with a lifespan ranging from 10 to 30 years. Onlays, in particular, are advantageous for cases where the tooth damage does not necessitate a complete dental crown.

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