
Revitalize Your Oral Health: Advanced Gum Disease Treatment

Gum Disease Indicators

If you experience any of the following symptoms, it could indicate gum disease:

  • Bleeding gums, especially after brushing and flossing
  • Swollen and tender gums
  • Persistent bad breath, despite regular brushing

In more advanced stages of the disease, you may also notice:

  • Pus along the gum line
  • Loose or shifting teeth
  • Gums pulling away, making teeth appear longer than normal

If you notice any of these signs, it is important to see your dentist immediately for a deep cleaning and assessment of the disease's progression. Failure to seek treatment puts your teeth and overall health at risk.

Laser Therapy for Treating Gum Disease

Dr. Sambuchino is proud to offer the latest and most advanced treatment for periodontal disease - high-speed CO2 Laser treatment. As one of the first 50 dentists in North America to provide this treatment, he ensures that fear of periodontal disease treatment is a thing of the past. Laser treatment offers numerous advantages over traditional methods, such as minimal bleeding, reduced swelling, and a lower risk of infection due to the sterilizing effect of the high-energy light beam. Additionally, anesthesia is rarely needed as laser dentistry is virtually painless.

The initial treatment involves scaling and the use of small instruments to remove tartar. This is followed by the laser treatment, which typically only takes a few minutes. Depending on the severity of the patient's periodontal disease, the treatment may be completed in one office visit or multiple visits. The estimated treatment time will be discussed when we go over your personalized treatment plan.

Once gum recession has occurred

Gum recession is a common condition that often goes unnoticed until symptoms arise. Patients may first notice sensitivity and a longer appearance of their teeth. In some cases, the recession can lead to bacterial damage to the exposed roots, resulting in loose or lost teeth.

Various factors can cause gum recession, including gum disease, genetics, aggressive brushing, and teeth grinding.

The Chao Pinhole Surgical Technique is an advanced and beneficial option for treating receding gums. This minimally invasive procedure involves little bleeding and can be completed quickly, yet it is highly effective.

Unlike traditional gum recession treatments that involve cutting and suturing, this technique provides immediate results, allowing patients to resume their regular activities within minutes. In contrast, traditional methods such as gum grafting require extensive healing time and can be quite painful.

If you are seeking gum disease treatment in Erie, PA, Dr. Sambuchino of Harborcreek Dental can help. Contact us today!

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